X50 Organic Herbal Match Tea 30g X50 Organic Herbal Match Tea 30g

X50 Organic Herbal Matcha Tea


Inspired by our good friend's love of Matcha, we searched for more than a year to find the most authentic and pure Organic Japanese Matcha we could. X50 Organic Matcha Tea is from the Uji, Kyoto region of Japan, which is known for its pristine tea growing conditions. Matcha was traditionally only reserved for Nobles, luckily in 2021, we can all enjoy it. Our X50 Matcha Tea is a really vibrant green and let's face it, the greener the better. As matcha is grown in the shade, the tea leaves produce more chlorophyll giving the matcha its bright green colour. And you can expect a rich, almost grassy yet sweet flavour.

An interesting fact about caffeine and Matcha (and Green Tea) has approximately 50% less caffeine than our friend coffee. And thanks to phytonutrients in green tea such as L-theanine our body absorbs this caffeine more slowly than coffee.


Add one to two teaspoons of matcha into a bowl or teacup, mix in 75 to 150ml of hot water (70-80°C) and whisk with a chasen (traditionally bamboo whisk) or a fork until frothy.