Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout 40 Serve Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout 40 Serve

Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout 40 Serve


Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout is a delicious ultra-premium energy formula designed to elevate your performance. This fully-loaded formula was built to simply deliver the best pre-workout experience by supporting energy, mood, and focus to help bridge the gap between you and peak performance.

Not all pre-workouts are made equally. We set out to separate ourselves from the pack by creating a pre-workout supplement that fazes convention. Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout provides a multi-functional experience by providing clean energy and focuses ingredients to help bring you to the next level.

We make sure Pre-Workout is clearly labelled with everything that goes into our formula. No surprises. Zero proprietary blends. No banned substances. Fully disclosed, Pre-Workout lists out each ingredient so you know exactly what you’re getting per scoop.

Our approach was to create the most effective and best-tasting pre-workout for everyone, starting with premium ingredients that stand up to the test

The Science

What’s in Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout? Let’s take a look at the key ingredients (per 2 scoops)*.

L-Citrulline (4g)

  • L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid noted to be more effective at increasing L-arginine levels in the body than L-arginine supplementation.*
  • As a result, L-Citrulline is more effective for increasing production of nitric oxide (NO), resulting in greater blood flow and muscle pumps.*
  • Also improves metabolite recycling processes, reduces fatigue and improves performance in both aerobic and anaerobic exercise.*

Beta-Alanine (3.2g)

  • Rate limiting amino acid in the production of carnosine synthesis.*
  • Carnosine acts as an important buffer of acid in muscles, which delays the onset of fatigue and enhance physical performance.*
  • Beta-alanine may cause a slight tingling in the hands and feet, a harmless side effect known as paresthesia that dissipates quickly.*

L-Tyrosine (2g)

  • A nonessential amino acid that is used to make the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine (adrenaline).*
  • Increased levels of these neurochemicals enhance mood, motivation, and focus.*
  • Also has been shown to act as an anti-stress compound for acute stressors such as strenuous exercise.*
  • Shown to be more bioavailable in the body than other forms of tyrosine (such as N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine), which means it is more effective at raising plasma levels of tyrosine.*

Two Forms of Caffeine

  • Caffeine is a well-studied CNS stimulant noted to be effective and (more importantly) safe when used in moderation.*
  • Noted in research to improve physical strength and endurance as well as enhance mental energy and focus.*
  • Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout contains two forms of caffeine in caffeine anhydrous and caffeine citrate to supply intense, hard-hitting energy.*
  • Each serving of Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout supplies 275mg total caffeine.*

Dynamine™ 40% (250mg)

  • Dynamine™ is a “chemical cousin” of caffeine derived from Kucha tea leaf.*
  • It is similar to TeaCrine® but presents with a faster onset of energy, mood, and focus.*
  • Provides jitter-free energy and focus.*
  • Supports increased motivation to exercise.*
  • Improves perceived focus and concentration.*
  • Does not lead to rapid tolerance or habituation as caffeine does.*

CDP-Choline (125mg)

  • CDP-choline is a nootropic compound that supplies both choline and cytidine (a precursor to uridine, another neurotransmitter).*
  • Choline plays a vital role in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter heavily involved in learning, memory and the mind-muscle connection.*
  • Helps increase mental energy and offers neuroprotective benefits.*

NeuroFactor™ (100mg)

  • An all-natural, patented compound derived from the whole fruit (including the bean) of the coffee plant, Coffea arabica.*
  • Shown in research to increase levels of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) up to 143% from baseline measurements and remain elevated for at least two hours.*
  • BDNF is an important brain protein that plays roles in the growth, development and repair of neurons as well as neuroplasticity.*

Astragin® (50mg)

  • The patented complex of highly purified and fractionated Panax notoginseng and Astragalus membranaceus produced via pharmaceutical extraction and processing.*
  • Shown in 16 in-vitro and eight in-vivo studies to increase bioavailability and absorption of several key nutrients, including L-Citrulline (45% increase), creatine (33% increase), and leucine (58% increase).*
  • Improves nutrient absorption by up-regulating mRNA and transporters, such as GLUT4, SGLT1, and CAT1. These transporters regulate the number of amino acids, vitamins, and other nutrients that enter into the intestinal cells.*

Rhodiola Rosea (50mg)

  • Rhodiola is an adaptogen traditionally used to combat fatigue and improve the body’s resilience to stress.*
  • Noted in research to significantly reduces the symptoms of fatigue and stress from both mental and physical stressors.*
  • Enhances cognitive function improving mental performance in fatigued states.*
  • Neuroprotective against toxins.*

Theobromine Cocoa 20% Extract (25mg)

  • Supports increased exercise performance, blood flow, and muscle contractile force.*
  • As a mild stimulant, theobromine may also enhance alertness, mood and metabolic rate.*

Cocoa Seed Extract (25mg)

  • Cocoa seeds have been collected in Central and South America for over 3,000 years.*
  • Plentiful in polyphenols––plant-derived molecules that are increasingly being shown to support healthy aging.*
  • Cocoa is particularly rich in (‐)‐epicatechin, a unique flavonol that can cross the blood-brain barrier and support mental performance.*

BioPerine® (10mg)

  • A trademarked version of piperine, a pungent alkaloid found in black pepper that has been shown to enhance the absorption of various nutrients.*
  • BioPerine® has also been noted to inhibit the breakdown of energy-boosting compounds such as caffeine and catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, which sustains the effects of pre-workout stimulants.*

Evodiamine (2mg)

  • Naturally occurring bioactive alkaloid from the plant Evodia rutaecarpa noted for its thermogenic qualities.*
  • Evodiamine has a history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a remedy for various digestive problems as well as poor appetite.*
  • Helps reduce the body’s exposure to caffeine by suppressing circulating levels of the stimulant, smoothing out the stimulant effects of caffeine.*

Unrivalled Taste.

By this point, our unique and authentic flavours speak for themselves. Sparta Nutrition Pre-Workout has redefined the pre-workout experience with industry-leading flavours and unrivalled flavour systems that bring you back to your childhood. The days of gritty texture or chalky taste are behind us. Get the best tasting pre-workout in the industry with the confidence of knowing exactly what you’re putting into your body with Sparta Nutrition.

Start with 1 Scoop to access tolerance with the option of having 2 Scoops for a stronger dose.