MusclePharm Assault Sport Blue Raspberry MusclePharm Assault Sport Blue Raspberry MusclePharm Assault Sport MusclePharm Assault Sport

MusclePharm Assault Sport


Why you need MusclePharm to enhance your workout regime

Working intense hours in the gym? Need a high power-yielding workout drink to boost your daily workout? MusclePharm could be exactly what you require. If youre looking for increased endurance during intense workout sessions and accelerated muscle healing to boost muscle growth, MusclePharm can serve you well.

Benefits of choosing MusclePharm Assault as your Pre-Workout protein

  1. Enhanced muscular endurance, strength and power output
  2. Boosted focus and mental alertness
  3. Hinders muscle fatigue and prevents muscle breakdown
  4. Replenishes ATP levels
  5. Banned-substance tested

MusclePharm is a super-effective formula designed to support athletes by fuelling intense workout sessions. Enhanced endurance, muscle recovery, and performance, whatever you are looking for, MusclePharm can provide for you.

Understanding how MusclePharm works

Want to know how MusclePharm generates the power that drives your workouts? MusclePharm contains Creatine Monohydrate, the secret ingredient that restores the Phosphate bond lost during exercise, which re-energizes muscles. Creatine also restores the lost water content in muscles, drawing excess water into dehydrated cells.

Did you know that intense workouts cause for lactic acid to build-up in muscles? This build-up can result in serious fatigue, which hinders your workout. MusclePharms Beta-Alanine fights this muscle fatigue by acting on the built-up lactic acid so you can perform strenuous exercises over long periods of time.

The MusclePharm blend also contains L-Glycine, an amino acid precursor to creatine, which prevents muscle breakdown. L-GLycine also helps deliver glucose to muscles. Glucose, on oxidation, generates energy that can be utilized by muscles.

The Muscle Fuel blend has L-Taurine, which regulates electrolytes and maintains the electrolytic balance in your muscles.

The Energy and Focus blend has Caffeine Anhydrous as an additive. This element is a CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulant that enhances mental alertness and combats drowsiness. The Energy and Focus blend also has Acetyl-L-Carnitine, a compound responsible for metabolizing long-chain fatty acids in your body to generate large amounts of energy. The Carnitine compound also has an acetyl group, which participates in the production of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter plays a role in enhancing mental focus, clarity, and the muscle-mind connection.

Looking for a drink to clear the mind and enhance your performance at the gym? Consider buying MusclePharm Assault Sport.

Directions for Use: Mix 1 scoops of Assault in 8-12 oz. (230-250ml) of water 20-30 minutes before training.

Supplement facts:

Serving Size: 11.5 g (1 scoop)

Servings Per Container: 30