Healtheries Iron Fizz 60 Chews Healtheries Iron Fizz 60 Chews

Healtheries Iron Fizz


Great for topping up low dietary Iron levels, especially if you:

  • Follow a vegetarian diet
  • Are prone to heavy bleeding during your period
  • Have poor digestion or low stomach acidity
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are a highly active man, child, or teenager who isn’t getting enough dietary iron

Your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your entire body, so they’re essential to maintain healthy energy levels and avoid fatigue. One of the most important minerals to maintain red blood cell health is Iron. Iron helps your body create haemoglobin – the red blood cell protein that transports all that oxygen. But your red blood cells need more than just Iron: Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 are also critical.

Healtheries Iron Fizz chewable tablets provide a great-tasting, berry-flavoured Iron top-up. Plus, there’s Vitamin C to improve Iron absorption, and Folic Acid & Vitamin B12 for extra red blood cell support.