Gaspari Glycofuse
Rapid Performance & Recovery Supercarb! Accelerates Performance & Glycogen Loading.
If you're a "carbo-phobe" then you really aren't concerned with performance, recovery, or lean muscle. True Athletes understand the importance of carbohydrates and embrace them. Whether they are carb-loading before a competition, rolling on the mat, banging out a WOD, slamming a drink during a race, or refuelling after a tough training session they know that in order to get to where they want to be they need the energy to get there. Glycogen is what helps fuel your workouts and keep muscles volumized. There is no way around that!
This is why Gaspari Nutrition chose highly branched cluster dextrin for what will become the gold standard of recovery and performance drinks, GLYCOFUSE. This high molecular weight carbohydrate has a special helical structure which gives it unique properties unlike many of the corn starches or polysaccharides out there. We'll be real with you and say this stuff isn't cheap, but you certainly pay for what you get. For an athlete like you who takes performance seriously, we know you would expect nothing less from us except for REAL RESULTS, REAL FAST.
When you sweat, your body loses potassium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, and calcium. They must be replaced to avoid cramping and losses in muscle performance because they are critical components in supporting nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Look at it this way, the more you sweat, the higher your potential need for increased hydration and electrolytes.
Your need for extra electrolytes is based on how often, how long, and how hard you train. To give you an edge Gaspari Nutrition partnered up with Albion Labs where science and patented technology have been combined to create crucial electrolytes in a form the body can readily assimilate. Glycofuse bears this seal and is the first Gold Medallion certified carbohydrate powder on the market!