BSN True Mass 2.2kg BSN True Mass 2.2kg

BSN True Mass 2.6kg


An Ultra-Premium Lean Muscle And Lean Mass Gainer!

True Mass is a macronutrient-heavy lean mass gainer tailored specifically towards people looking for the additional caloric support necessary to maximize lean muscle mass gains, and for individuals that require a heightened level of nutrients owing to a higher metabolic rate.

True Mass contains a multi-functional A.M. to P.M. protein blend that feeds your muscles for up to 8 hours, a blend of complex carbohydrates that provides useable energy for your muscular frame, along with Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) for heart health and hormonal support. Further fortifying TRUE MASS is the addition of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) for positive nitrogen balance, fibre for nutrient uptake, glutamine peptides for recovery and glutamine alpha-ketoglutarate for maximal anti-catabolic effects.

Designed to Support:
- Lean Mass Gain
- Meal Alternative
- Nutrition
- Weight Management

Product Highlights:
- Sustained Release (8 hours of amino acid nitrogen delivery)
- Multi-Functional A.M.-P.M. Protein and Carbohydrate Blend (Ideal for post-workout)
- 6 Different Ultra-Premium Proteins
- Active Protein Utilization Enzymes for Increase & Efficiency of Use
- BCAAs and Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- Medium Chain Triglycerides for Fast Burning Energy Source
- Glutamine Peptides and Glutamine AKG
- Good Source of Fiber
- Aspartame Free

True Mass Proprietary Protein Matrix:
- Hydrolyzed Whey Protein ( 1/2 - 1-hour digestion rate)
- Ultra-Filtered Whey Protein Concentrate (2-3 hour digestion rate)
- Microfiltered Whey Protein Isolate (2-3 hour digestion rate)
- Egg Albumen (2-3 hour digestion rate)
- Milk Protein Concentrate (4-6 hour digestion rate)
- Calcium Caseinate (6-8 hour digestion rate)
- Micellar Alpha and Beta-Caseins and Caseinates (6-8 hour digestion rate)

Each of True Mass's proteins provides a unique and complementary profile of amino acids and absorption rates, ensuring that your muscles never run out of protein building blocks.

Sustained-Release Multi-Functional Micellar Protein Matrix: Contains fast and slow-digesting proteins, which supports/elevates circulating amino acid nitrogen levels for up to 7 hours. Suitable for A.M. or P.M. use.

Glycogen Uptake Matrix: Unique blend of carbohydrates that is suitable for A.M. to P.M. use; assists with recovery and energy for exercise.

Glutamine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) and Glutamine Peptides: Glutamine AKG and glutamine peptides serve as efficient and stable forms of glutamine for maintaining whole-body glutamine supplies.

Bioactive Protein Utilization Enzymes (Aminogen and Papain): Promotes optimum protein digestion and absorption, which improves uptake of amino acids by the muscle.

Fibre Matrix: Fiber supports gastrointestinal health, increasing the surface area that the body can absorb nutrients across, which increases nutrient uptake and utilization.

MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides), and EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids): MCTs are a fast-burning energy source, much like a carb. They promote the oxidation of fat over carbohydrate and help regulate appetite. EFAs (essential fatty acids) are not produced by the body and must be consumed in order to prevent deficiency.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) and Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids: Contains more than adequate amounts of every amino acid required in the human diet.