BePure Immune Essentials Kit (Limited Edition) BePure Immune Essentials Kit (Limited Edition) BePure Immune Essentials Kit (Limited Edition)

BePure Immune Essentials Kit (Limited Edition)


Suitable for anyone looking to boost key nutrients that are essential to supporting a healthy and strong immune system.

BePure Zinc Restore

Zinc is a champion in immunity and is involved in regulating both our innate and adaptive immune system. Zinc is essential for cell regeneration and a deficiency of zinc is associated with impaired function of innate immune cells. BePure Zinc Restore is a high strength, bioavailable zinc combined with vitamin C to boost zinc stores and overall health and wellness. BePure Zinc Restore also contains vitamin B6 and this works together within the body, often when there is a zinc deficiency, there is also a B6 deficiency. Suitable for those aged 9+.

BePure Super Boost C

Our ability to build immune cells is vitamin C dependent— so it’s safe to say that vitamin C is a very important part of the strong immunity equation! Vitamin C has a short half-life, meaning it doesn’t stay in our body very long. Therefore, topping up our vitamin C stores daily is incredibly supportive for our healthy immune cells. BePure Super Boost C has a high potency, with a 2:1 ratio of bioflavonoids to Vitamin C. This ratio is for the best absorption and optimal immune support per gram of Vitamin C. Bioflavonoids recycle the vitamin C electrons, essentially providing you with double the vitamin C! Our Super Boost C is easily absorbed, pleasant tasting powder form and perfect for the whole family with specific dose instructions for kids aged 5+

BePure Vit D Restore

Our ability to build immune cells is vitamin C dependent— so it’s safe to say that vitamin C is a very important part of the strong immunity equation! Vitamin C has a short half-life, meaning it doesn’t stay in our body very long. Therefore, topping up our vitamin C stores daily is incredibly supportive for our healthy immune cells. BePure Super Boost C has a high potency, with a 2:1 ratio of bioflavonoids to Vitamin C. This ratio is for the best absorption and optimal immune support per gram of Vitamin C. Bioflavonoids recycle the vitamin C electrons, essentially providing you with double the vitamin C! Our Super Boost C is easily absorbed, pleasant tasting powder form and perfect for the whole family with specific dose instructions for kids aged 5+