Muscletech Test HD Elite
Test HD Elite is formulated with a never-before-seen combination of scientifically validated ingredients such as KSM-66, EnoSTIM, PrimaVie Shilajit and Boron — and requires no cycling. Delivering a precise dose of boron, which has been scientifically shown to increase free Test levels and decrease estradiol levels after just 7 days.
Test HD Elite by Muscle Tech also features a full dose of the award-winning EnoSTIM®, engineered for men based on emerging science behind its key phytocompounds supporting nitric oxide and increased blood flow.
When taken regularly in conjunction with a varied and healthy diet, Test HD Elite’s key formulation can help assist testosterone levels with the assistance of:
- EnoStim: Researchers engineered EnoSTIM® for men based on emerging science behind its key phytocompounds supporting nitric oxide and increased blood flow.
- KSM-66: This compound features a powerful adaptogen shown to support strength and muscle size.
- Boron Citrate: Scientifically shown to increase free Test levels and decrease estradiol levels.
- Primavie Shilajit: A powerful test-boosting compound shown to increase total serum testosterone levels.
Scientifically designed to increase testosterone production and support muscle building and recovery, Test HD Elite’s formulation will help support your body and your recovery efforts! Formulated with a never-before-seen combination of scientifically validated ingredients – and requires no cycling, Test HD Elite is the pinnacle of innovative engineering.