ATP Science Subcut ATP Science Subcut

ATP Science Subcut


Shape and tone your body with ATP Science Subcut body-shaping serum!

Are you tired of dieting? Are you tired of popping an endless assortment of pills and powders only to have stubborn areas of unsightly subcutaneous fat that you just cant budge? We all know you cant spot reduce fat through exercise doing crunches isnt going to lose that spare tyre. Tablets and powders that are taken orally cant specifically target the abs, hips or thighs. The body loses fat from where IT chooses, not you!

What if there was a new product applied to the skin that actually worked? A body-shaping serum that has changed the old paradigm and gives you the power to improve your appearance by firming and toning your body; SUBCUT from ATP Science has done just that.

SUBCUT targets unsightly Subcutaneous fat (SF) specifically, which is the largest proportion of fat in the body. This is the fat you can see hanging around your waist, butt, legs and thighs and is difficult to shift with diet and exercise alone. The other type of fat (visceral fat) is a type of fat that is stored around your organs and is easier to shift with exercise and diet because it has a better blood circulation.


Take control. Force those stubborn spots, which have been resistant to change, TO CHANGE

  • Mobilise fat from Subcutaneous fat storage sites
  • Improve muscle definition
  • Cut up and get shredded
  • While using oral fat burners to target visceral fat and enhance metabolism. SUBCUT can be used to liberate fat into blood stream from isolated compartments directly under the skin
  • Enhanced transdermal absorption
  • SUBCUT body shaping serum is used as a secret weapon by bodybuilders, physique and fitness models for pre-competition sculpting
  • Improves the appearance of regional fat deposits in men and women
  • Renews and regenerates the dermal connective tissue
  • Tones and increases the firmness of the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • Hypo-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine for sensitive skin
  • Increases antioxidant levels protecting collagen and elastin from degrading prematurely
  • SUBCUT body shaping serum is formulated to tighten, smooth and firm areas of the body


SUBCUT is a revolutionary product; researched, developed and clinically trialled by our head scientist for over 20 years. SUBCUT contains powerful proven ingredients that were chosen for their transdermal penetration and fat burning properties from researching published medical journals, white papers, clinical and university studies and in house trails to perfect the fat burning properties.

Coleus (Coleus forskohlii)

The active ingredient forskolin works like thyroid hormones on your stubborn fat deposits and directly increases cAMP, which aids in fat breakdown.

Guarana (Paulinia cupana)

containing active ingredients methylxanthines, xanthine alkaloids include theophylline, theobromine and caffeine, catechins and epicatechins) enhances the effects of forskolin as a beta adrenoceptors agonist that also enhances cAMP production and combined with its ability to be the most effective phosphodiesterase inhibitor it also preserves the cAMP to maximise the forskolin activity.

Silybin from Japanese thistle (Cirsium oligophyllum)

up regulates thermogenic uncoupling proteins and also stimulates beta adrenoceptors thereby enhancing the lipolysis promoting effects of catecholamines. One study on rats showed a mean reduction of regional subcutaneous fat stores by 23.2% in 7 days. Its effects are enhanced when