ATP Vegan Essential Aminos 90serve ATP Vegan Essential Aminos 90serve

ATP Vegan Essential Aminos 90serve


Are Vegan Essential Aminos for you? These amino acids are exactly the same as mainstream Aminos, they are just made more ethically with more transparency and they are cleaner.

Initially, ATP saw a problem in the types of protein, amino acid requirement and the amino acids available for those choosing to live a vegan lifestyle. This is especially true in those that also train hard and are eating for sporting performance or for body shaping and physique goals.

Whilst trying to find a solution to the problem within the vegan community, ATP discovered that the existing amino acid industry may have its own problems that the vegans can fix. The learning experience went both ways and the final product was inspired by vegan requirements, the vegan code of ethics and environmental ideals, but the end result is something we can all use and benefit from. The amino acids themselves are exactly the same. It is just the starting material and other steps that vary between the vegan aminos and non-vegan aminos.