ANS Performance N-Pro Protein 1.8kg
Achieve ultimate results with this versatile sustained release protein!
- Build high-quality muscle with this delicious high-quality protein blend!
- Get 6 different protein sources to balance fast, intermediate & extended absorption with a built-in digestive enzyme complex.
- Works for pre/post-workout mixes easily and tastes delicious...
N-PRO is the professional choice for muscle building from 100% whole protein!
- Next level muscle building waiting for you with this groundbreaking protein formula.
- 6 rapid, intermediate and extended protein absorption sources feed muscles for up to 8h
- Premium quality protein sources, gluten-free, free of any fillers, aminos or maltodextrin.
- Versatile and effective protein for pre/post-workout, morning or night time use!
Maximize your gains with N-PRO sustained release protein!
Not sure how to maximize your workouts and ensure muscle growth?
You need to keep in a positive nitrogen balance (high protein). N-PRO can continuously feed your muscles for up to 8h to ensure you are anabolic!
What makes it so good?
Six perfectly balanced banned substance-free proteins that will get you both rapid and extended absorption with next-level award-winning taste!
DIRECTIONS: USING A SHAKER: Fill your shaker with 8 oz of cold water. Add 1 scoop of powder. Put the lid on tightly & swirl contents slowly before shaking vigorously for 15 seconds. For a thinner shake, try using 10-12 oz of water per scoop of protein. STIR IN A GLASS: Fill your glass with 8 oz of cold water. Add 1 scoop of powder & mix contents in glass slowly with a spoon before stirring vigorously for 15 seconds. MIX IN A BLENDER: Fill your blender with 8 oz of cold water. Add 1 scoop of powder & blend for 15 seconds. For a thinner shake, try using 10-12 oz of water per scoop.